A recipe I learned to cook in Thailand.

Photo to appear here one day.

Wholegrain Bread (cut in squares).
Minced Chicken meat.
Chopped Prawn meat.

One Egg (beaten).
Spring Onion.
Chopped Garlic Clove.
Chopped Coriander root.
Fish Sauce.
Oyster Sauce.
Plum Sauce.
Oil for Deep-frying.

8 Pcs.
60 Grams.
1 Tblspn.

1 Tblspn.
1 Teaspn.
1 Teaspn.
1 Teaspn.
2 Teaspn.
Small cup.

Combine minced chicken, egg, chopped garlic and coriander root.
Add seasoning, pepper, fish sauce,oyster sauce and mix well.
Put all of mixed on top of bread pieces and place topping down into deep-fryer.
Turn as they brown, remove from oil drain on paper and serve with plum sauce.